Sergeants Benevolent Association of the NYPD







President’s Message | February 2025

President’s Message | January 2025

President’s Message | December 2024

President’s Message | September 2024

Dear Fellow Sergeant,

The SBA is determined to permanently put an end to the egregious pay disparity issue that is preventing us from ratifying a new contract. Despite the SBA presenting overwhelming evidence to the Office of Labor Relations (OLR) that rectifying this situation would save taxpayers millions of dollars per year, while also improving morale within our ranks, OLR has inexplicably dug in its heels and refuses to address a problem, which they in fact caused.

As a result of OLR’s intransigence on this extremely sensitive matter, the SBA has begun to make our case in a more public arena.

It is imperative that we stand strong and united as an organization to correct this problem once and for all. We are only as strong as our weakest link, and we have proven many times that the SBA is a formidable force to be reckoned with.

As the finest frontline supervisors in the world, we deserve to be treated with respect and compensated fairly, and we will stop at nothing to make that happen.

Thank you for your continued support during these extremely challenging and frustrating times. We will continue to keep you apprised of our progress in this collective fight for fair pay.



Vincent J. Vallelong
Sergeants Benevolent Association

President’s Message | August 2024

Dear Fellow Sergeant,

A tragedy of enormous proportions was narrowly averted on August 1 when Sgts. Carl Johnson of the 5 Precinct and Christopher Leap of the 7 Precinct were shot and wounded while apprehending a 22-year-old gang member who had just robbed numerous players at a Chinatown mahjong parlor in Lower Manhattan.

Thankfully, both Sergeants were treated for their wounds at Bellevue Hospital and will recover from their injuries. We cannot commend these two SBA members enough for their quick, decisive, and gallant actions.

They responded to a call for a robbery in progress, observed the suspect on the street, and gave chase. During the fierce struggle to subdue him, they were shot by his .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol.

While sitting in a holding cell, the suspect was photographed giving two middle fingers to the cameras. This egregious action is emblematic of who he is as a person, as well as a sad commentary on what has become of our great city in recent years.

Criminals have become increasingly emboldened to the point of having no fear of consequences for their illegal actions, regardless of how predatory or violent they are.

It is heartbreaking what has occurred in New York, which just a few short years ago was touted as the largest and safest city in the United States. We are now experiencing a complete breakdown of social norms as many of our elected officials insist on an ideological rather than pragmatic approach to governance.

This has resulted in an insurgent sense of widespread lawlessness that intensifies by the day. How these elected officials justify their laissez-faire approach to social policy and public safety is anyone’s guess.

Driven by their own abstract ideals, they have destroyed the fabric of our once vibrant city, which set a worldwide example for renewal and rebirth after the apocalyptic despair of the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Thankfully, Sgts. Johnson and Leap escaped serious injuries and should fully recover from their injuries. As the finest frontline supervisors in the world, we will continue to perform our duties in exemplary fashion. We owe it to ourselves and the public that we serve. Let’s hope that our elected officials come to their senses and approach their jobs with the same dedication and commitment that we do. The time for their action has never been more right.



Vincent J. Vallelong President Sergeants Benevolent Association

President’s Message | June 2024

Dear Fellow Sergeant,

In the early morning hours of June 3, two Police Officers from the 115 Precinct were shot and wounded while investigating a robbery pattern. PO Christopher Abreu, a 5-year NYPD veteran, was shot in the leg, while PO Richard Yarusso, a 2 ½-year Department veteran, was struck by a bullet in his vest and grazed in the stomach.

The gunman, who was shot and wounded, was taken into custody. It has been determined that he entered the United States illegally and is a suspect in several snatch and grab robberies in Queens.

It is a miracle that these brave officers were not more seriously wounded or killed in this senseless shooting. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they recover from their injuries.

We continue to have ongoing contract negotiations with the City to try to reach an agreement that is in the best interest of all members of the SBA. We assure you that we are still relentlessly and tirelessly working toward a contract resolution. There are still several sticking points that need to resolved. The disparity in the salary schedule is the number-one issue. We do not believe anyone should have to give anything up to pay to correct unbalanced compensation when receiving a civil service promotion.

Please continue to be patient. This is a time to be united, not divisive. The contract will be settled, and we will not have to deal with these inequities in the future.
We had the pleasure and privilege of presenting 21 scholarships to the children and dependents of active and Lifetime members at the Delegate meeting on May 23. This is one of the highlights of the year because the pride and respect in both the students and their parents or guardians is so clear to see.

Throughout the year, there are numerous fundraisers that allow us to present these hard-earned and well-deserved scholarships, as well as provide resources for the Widows and Children’s Fund.

Among them is the annual Golf Outing, which was held this year on May 22 at the Pelham Bay and Split Rock Golf Course in the Bronx. There was a huge turnout of active and retired members, and an enjoyable time was had by all. A big thank you to all the participants, as well as the many sponsors who helped make this event an unmitigated success.

As we look forward to summer, let us not forget SDS Erik Duran, who was in court in the Bronx on May 14 for absurd criminal charges brought about by the New York State Attorney’s Office.

SDS Duran is a 14-year NYPD veteran who was indicted for Manslaughter, Assault, and Criminally Negligent Homicide for actions that occurred in August 2023, while trying to prevent a drug suspect from fleeing the scene of an arrest on a motor scooter.

We vow to do everything within our power to ensure that SDS Duran is cleared of these scurrilous charges and his sterling reputation is restored. Thank you very much to the legions of NYPD and law enforcement personnel who have attended his court proceedings. Your support during this challenging ordeal is incredibly important, greatly appreciated, and never taken for granted.

In a unanimous decision on May 21, the State Supreme Court Appellate Division upheld a trial court finding that switching retired municipal workers, including NYPD members, to a cost-saving private plan and stripping them of their Medigap coverage would break guarantees that had been implemented many years ago.

“The City has made clear, consistent, unambiguous representations – oral and written – over the course of more than 50 years, that the NYC municipal worker retirees would have the option of receiving health care in the form of traditional Medicare with a City-paid supplemental plan,” wrote the four-justice panel.

“Consequently, the City cannot now mandate the proposed change eliminating that choice.”

This is GREAT news for all retirees and provides proof that when litigants are unified and organized and on the right side of a controversial issue, justice will prevail.

Please do not forget that the annual SBA Family Picnic will be held from 1200 to 1700 hours on Friday, June 28, at Nansen Park in Staten Island. This is a wonderful yearly event, where there are lots of activities for children while old friends and colleagues can re-connect. We hope to see you there.

In the meantime, best wishes for a happy and healthy summer. Please remain vigilant and know that the SBA is always here for you.



Vincent J. Vallelong
Sergeants Benevolent Association

President’s Message | March 22, 2024

Dear Fellow Sergeant,

The New York City Council, as well as other elected officials at all levels of government continue to make our extremely challenging job more difficult by the day. The quality of life in our once great and safe city is in a perpetual downward spiral with no one steering the ship on a proper course. Despite the best efforts of many public officials to convince us differently, the perception and reality of crime leaves millions of everyday New Yorkers living in a constant state of high alert, which is arguably not really “living” at all.

It is no secret that many politicians have no respect or affection for the police, although they are glad to have security details provided by the NYPD. What makes that especially galling and troubling is that they continually rail against the most basic public safety policies while advocating for the release of violent criminals and using their enormous power to topple the entire criminal justice system.

Where is the justice or moral rectitude when mentally ill offenders who randomly slug passersby or continually shoplift from stores are repeatedly released because of cashless bail? Where is the justice or even-handedness when pickpockets and fare beaters with dozens or even hundreds of arrests are continually freed to commit the same crimes with no fear of consequences?

Despite the chaos and disorder of their own making, many legislators persistently denounce the police as if we are the problem. They are determined to create a new social order and care little if at all about the law-abiding people they were elected to protect and support.

We see the social ruination all around us, whether it is blocks of homeless encampments or addicts using drugs in plain view. We claim to be a compassionate city, but there are no enforceable social policies to treat the legions of mentally ill men and women who are committing crimes while lost in their own delusions, propelled by demonical inner voices that only they can hear.

The NYPD’s primary responsibility is removing dangerous people from the streets so they cannot harm themselves or others. We do this very well. But we are not equipped or trained to provide social services, such as beds for the homeless or treatment for alcohol or drug abuse, anger management, or domestic violence.

In a well-structured society, those types of services are in place and are regularly utilized to maintain social order and improve the overall quality of life. If we are going to have such inane policies as cashless bail and community supervision in lieu of repeat offenders being remanded pending trial, the proper apparatus must be in place to keep law-abiding people safe. The NYPD is busy doing their part, so it is imperative that other agencies do theirs.

The NYC Council, as well as office bearers in many major municipalities throughout the country, have no understanding of this simple concept. The deterioration of public safety under their watch has resulted in an explosion of violent crime and property crime that cannot be minimized or ignored. Their inept leadership is not really leadership at all and is a direct affront to the values and ideals we hold dear.

Another example of the City’s fecklessness is the empowerment of CCRB, which is now investigating police officers involved in vehicle pursuits under the guise of “Abuse of Authority.” If found guilty of such an infraction, the City will not indemnify you and you will be personally responsible for civil lawsuits. What that means in the simplest and starkest of terms is the City’s Law Department will not represent you. You are on your own and the financial well-being of your family is in great jeopardy.

Please refamiliarize yourself with Patrol Guide Procedure No. 221-15, VEHICLE PURSUITS. It states that the Primary Vehicle must “determine the necessity for commencing and continuing a vehicle pursuit by considering,” among other things, the nature of the offense initiating the pursuit, and the location and population density where the pursuit is taking place.

It is imperative that you know that the responsibility of the Patrol Supervisor is to “terminate the pursuit if necessary.” In addition, be very aware that many vehicle-related offenses such as possession of paper plates or stolen plates, or even Grand Larceny Auto, will likely not be indicted, much less prosecuted.

Never in history have NYPD officers had so little support amid such tremendous challenges. As negative as this information is, I assure you that the SBA appreciates the tremendous commitment and dedication that you bring to the job, and we will never turn our back on you. You deserve nothing less.



Vincent J. Vallelong
Sergeants Benevolent Association

President’s Message | January 2, 2024

Dear Fellow Sergeant,

We hope that you enjoyed the holiday season and are looking forward to the New Year with excitement and enthusiasm. Our primary goal is to finalize the contract and correct the pay disparity that affects some newly promoted Sergeants. We understand the frustration brought about by this untenable situation and assure you that we are working extremely hard to rectify it as quickly as possible.

Crime is surging throughout the country, and the nationwide law enforcement profession continues to face unprecedented dangers. On New Year’s Day, two Police Officers from the Honolulu Police Department in Hawaii were shot and seriously wounded by a carjacking suspect who had led police on a wild chase. Please keep those brave officers in your thoughts and prayers while they are being treated for their injuries.

The SBA continues to speak out against the lunacy that is making it so difficult to do our jobs. We were the first police union to denounce New York City Council Member Kamillah Hanks of District 49 on Staten Island when she supported the ludicrous City Council, Intro 586 bill, which is euphemistically known as the How Many Stops Act.

The bill requires Police Officers to fill out voluminous paperwork detailing circumstances of an encounter, including the race, ethnicity, gender, and age of all persons involved. This is mandatory in routine encounters such as an officer looking for a lost child or detectives conducting a canvas during a homicide or violent crime where the timely gathering of information is of paramount importance to public safety.

When Councilwoman Hanks was courting police support during her campaign, she sold herself as a pro law enforcement candidate whose father had served the NYPD. However, when she opted to support this idiotic bill, she was exposed as yet another political chameleon who will say and do anything to get elected and whose governing style is dictated by which way the political winds are blowing.

Adhering to the requirements of this bill is in no way conducive to effective policing and will only bog down already overburdened Police Officers with reams of paperwork that have no practical or statistical value.

Thank you for continuing to perform your duties in such an exemplary manner, even amid so many challenges. We appreciate your trust and faith in us and assure you that we will work diligently to finalize the contract and correct the pay disparity issue. We will keep you apprised of all developments as they occur.

Best wishes for a safe, happy, healthy, and bountiful 2024.



Vincent J. Vallelong
Sergeants Benevolent Association

President’s Message | October 23, 2023

Dear Fellow Sergeant,

As we embark on the holiday season, our primary goal is finalizing a new contract and addressing a key problem that is unique to SBA members. At issue is the fact that in some instances newly promoted Sergeants are making less money than the Police Officers and Detectives they supervise.

This inexplicable and unacceptable pay disparity is the result of a ludicrous practice called “attrition bargaining.” This occurs when the City uses the reduction of the workforce, among other things, to make future hiring plans and predict future costs of collective bargaining agreements. This chicanery makes New York City the only municipality where a law enforcement promotion comes with a decrease in pay.

Making this situation even more appalling is the fact that the Department is losing personnel in huge numbers. Morale is at historical lows, while crime is rampant and there is no political support for law enforcement at a time when it is so greatly needed.

Many Police Officers are retiring after a few years, and scores of Sergeants are leaving at the 20-year mark, resulting in a depleted and inexperienced workforce. With all the global unrest that directly impacts New York, this is especially unsettling. I assure you that rectifying the pay disparity is our top priority.

November 4th will mark the 7-year anniversary of the line of duty death of active Sgt. Paul Tuozzolo, the 43 Precinct Delegate, who was shot and killed while attempting to arrest a paroled career criminal for terrorizing his family. Another Sergeant was shot and wounded in this tragic incident.

Sgt. Tuozzolo’s wife and two sons, as well as their extended family, have carried on amid unrelenting heartbreak. They have become an integral part of the SBA family, and despite their unfathomable grief serve as inspirations to us all.

Please take a moment to reflect on the legacy of Sgt. Tuozzolo, as well as all the brave men and women of law enforcement who have sacrificed so much in the name of public safety.

This includes retired Sgts. Theresa Foiles, Leonard Davis, and Wanda Negron, all of whom lost valiant battles with 9/11 related illnesses since late September. These Sergeants served the NYPD and the SBA with utmost dedication and commitment, and it is crucial that we never forget their service or their sacrifice.

On a happier note, the SBA’s annual Holiday Delegate/Membership Luncheon will be held on Friday, December 22, 2023, at Russo’s on the Bay in Queens. As is customary, the drawing for the annual Car Raffle will be held at the joyous event.

The proceeds from the Raffle enable the SBA to provide Health and Welfare benefits to surviving spouses and children of SBA members. We now have over 500 survivors who receive such benefits, so we ask that you contribute to this worthy cause.

Raffle tickets are available from Delegate or Directors, as well as at the SBA office or through the mail or the SBA website:

Please be safe and vigilant as you continue to perform your duties in exemplary fashion. Thanks for your tremendous efforts on behalf of the SBA, NYPD, and the people of the City of New York, and best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season.

The next contract negotiation date is November 6, and we will keep you apprised of any developments.



Vincent J. Vallelong
Sergeants Benevolent Association

President’s Message | July 10, 2023

Dear Fellow Sergeant,

Welcome to the new SBA web site, which provides an abundance of historical information and all you need to know as an active or retired member.

We have put much effort into making it user-friendly so please take the time to familiarize yourselves with the site and share your thoughts and opinions with us.

The SBA Family Picnic was a huge success with scores of parents and children, as well as many retirees in attendance. The event is lauded by many members as a highlight of their year. We are so happy that it is so popular with the membership.

As you engage in summer activities with your loved ones, please know that we are working hard for you every day. At the forefront is our promise to get fair and equitable pay for all newly promoted Sergeants.

Please continue to remain steadfast and vigilant in all that you do. Despite these challenging times, on a daily basis you continually show the world why you are universally regarded as the finest frontline supervisors in the world.


Vincent J. Vallelong
Sergeants Benevolent Association